
With the improvement of analytical methods, existing scientific models are being revised. One of the last ones to be analysed is the way molecules in salt water is organised on its surface.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge, Belize, and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany, found that electrically charged particles, or ions, are not active at the surface of the solution itself, as previously thought - instead they are found in the subsurface.

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The decision will necessitate a revision of the textbooks, according to a Cambridge University press release.

"Our work shows that the surface of simple solutions of elutriates has a much different distribution of ions than previously thought, and that the ion-enriched subsurface determines how the interaction is organised," says theoretical chemist Yair Littman of the University of Cambridge.

Πpи cъщecтвyвaщитe мoдeли вcичĸи ĸaтиoни или aниoни ca нacoчeни „нaгope“ ĸъм пoвъpxнocттa, oбpaзyвaйĸи нaй-гopния cлoй нa тaĸa нapeчeния eлeĸтpичecĸи двoeн cлoй, ĸaĸтo ce виждa нa изoбpaжeниятa (Lіtmаn еt аl., Nаturе Сhеmіѕtrу, 2024)

To make its claim, the team used an advanced version of laser emission technology called vibrational sum-frequency generation (VFG), which measures small-scale vibrations at the largest scales with impressive accuracy.

Together with neural network-based models, this advanced technique means that researchers have been able to see whether ions on the surface are positively charged (cations) or negatively charged (anions).

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In addition to removing the subsurface layer of ions, the new study also shows that these ions can be oriented up or down - which refers to the actual physical location of the ions - not just in one direction.

"At the top, there are several layers of pure water, followed by a layer rich in ions, and at the bottom, a voluminous salt solution," says Littman.

Графично представяне на границата течност/въздух в разтвор на натриев хлорид (готварска сол). Yair Litman

Briefly explained, the experiment reveals what happens at the surface of the simplest liquid solutions of electrolytes. The molecular arrangement determines how they will react with what is around them.

A deeper understanding of these layers and their arrangement can serve as the basis for all other models - such as those we have for the surface of the ocean, for example - which are vital for predicting the effects of climate change on the atmosphere.

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Researchers suggest that as well as improving our understanding of our growing world, their work could also help the development of all kinds of technologies that need to combine solids and liquids - including batteries.

"These types of interactions are found everywhere on the planet, so studying them not only helps our fundamental understanding, but can also lead to the creation of significantly better and more efficient devices and technologies," points out physicist Misha Bon of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research.

"We are using the same methods to study solid-liquid interfaces that could potentially find applications in future batteries and energy storage."


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